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How Much Do Dealers Markup Used Cars? It’s Less Than You Think

Key Takeaways

  • Car dealers mark up used cars by between $1,500 and $3,000 on average.
  • Luxury cars and trucks usually see the highest markups.
  • Today’s used car buyers have access to game-changing market data.

Do you ever wonder why car dealers are always trying to buy your car? It has something to do with how much dealers markup used cars. There is a lot of money to be made in used cars.

In my career, I’ve seen many different ideas about what the markup should be for a used car. There are many factors to consider. Let’s breakdown how dealers determine their price for used cars, and how much markup they apply to come up with the selling price.

How dealers set used car prices

Used car prices over time

Where to start? With a quick history lesson.

In the old days (you have to remember, I spent 42 years in the car business),pricing in the good old days was simple, easy, and best of all, it worked.

When a customer would walk in we knew how much profit was in the list price. We’d negotiate, and end up selling the customer their used car with a profit of $1,000 or $2,000. The best part was, the customer felt like a winner because they negotiated us off of our original price, and we made money.

Today it’s completely different. Today’s car buyers have access to more information before they walk in.

On the other side of the deal, car dealers today have software that helps them determine how much a car is worth. These software programs are complex. They tell dealers what they should price each used car at in relation to similar cars in the market so that they’ll sell. They can even take into account geographic and seasonal differences between dealerships.

Pricing for profit isn’t the primary concern for most car dealers. Even more important than profit nowadays is how quickly a dealership can turn its inventory. Turn is the term used to describe the amount of time a car sits on a dealers lot before it’s purchased by someone.

Aging policies affect used car markup

For many dealers (especially the big ones), the idea is to sell or turn your inventory within 60 days of acquiring it.

Many stores have strict aging policies for their used cars. If a used car doesn’t sell within 60 days (or at the max 90), off to the auction it goes. The dealer will sell a used car at auction and replace it with a different car that they think will sell within the 60 to 90 day timeframe. For most dealers, it’s important to turn your inventory as fast as possible. As a car sits on the lot, its actual value is declining. From the dealer perspective, what was worth $10,000 when you traded it is now worth $9,000 90 days later.

The longer a car sits on the lot, the lower the selling price becomes.

Most dealerships work on a strict 60 to 90 day policy for their used cars. This means they’re adjusting a used cars price downward every 10 days to try and sell the car.

There is even software that tracks how much interest a used car gets and changes the list price in realtime. Dynamic pricing decisions occur on an almost daily basis.

So how much do dealers mark up their used cars?

used car price trends

As much as the market will bear for that model. With that advent of sophisticated software platforms and “big data,” we’re seeing more and more dealers allowing algorithms to set prices, rather than human beings.

Last year, one iSeeCars survey showed that 31% of car buyers are paying over MSRP for new cars. At the used car level, it’s harder to collect similar data, but just imagine the markups running rampant.

That being said, the average used car markup today is probably about $2,500. Hard to find specialty cars (Ferrari, Lamborghini, McClaren and others), or models in short supply could (and should) be much higher. But, for your run of the mill used car, expect the dealer to have a $2,500 markup in the price. Remember, to get the best deal, you’ll want to find one of the older cars on the lot!

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Last updated Sep 3, 2024


  1. John Blakely

    Enjoyed this article.
    Not clear on one item—- does the $2500 mark up apply to all asking prices e.g.
    . A $10000 car & a $30000 car?

  2. Karan Joshi

    I feel strongly about it and really like mastering more on this subject. If feasible, as you acquire experience, would you mind updating your blog with much more information. It is very helpful for me. thanks for sharing an amazing information.

  3. Fabio R Gomez

    Mark up for a dealer is $2,500? It means nothing. We need the info in percentile (%).

  4. Cheap Cars West Auckland

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  5. Travis Head

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