Compare Car Depreciation

The first chart below shows the percent deviation between the Industry Average, the Tesla Model 3, all Chevrolet Models, the Subaru Outback and the Subaru Forester with years in age as the intervals. Further down, the next chart uses the same historical depreciation data, but is displayed in a more traditional linear format.

Depreciation Comparison Tool

Comparison #1
Comparison #2
Comparison #3
Comparison #4
-15%-10%-5%0%5%10%15%121110987654321Vehicle Age in Years% Deviation from Industry AverageDepreciation Deviation: Industry Average vs Tesla Model 3 vs Chevrolet Models vs Subaru Outback vs Subaru Forester
Industry Average
Tesla Model 3
Chevrolet Models
Subaru Outback
Subaru Forester
0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%2012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024Depreciation: Industry Average vs Tesla Model 3 vs Chevrolet Models vs Subaru Outback vs Subaru Forester
Industry Average
Tesla Model 3
Chevrolet Models
Subaru Outback
Subaru Forester

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