Nissan Maxima Depreciation

A Nissan Maxima will depreciate 48% after 5 years and have a 5 year resale value of $23,162.

The chart below shows the expected depreciation for the next 10 years. These results are for vehicles in good condition, averaging 12,000 miles per year. It also assumes a selling price of $44,610 when new. Enter your purchase price, expected ownership period and estimated miles driven annually. Our depreciation calculator will predict an expected resale value for the Nissan Maxima.

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Nissan Maxima Depreciation Calculator

Current Vehicle Age
Current Price
Own it For
Annual Miles
This calculator is for illustrative and educational purposes only. Its accuracy and applicability to your circumstances is not guaranteed. You may wish to consult your own adviser regarding your particular circumstances.

Nissan Maxima Depreciation

Years Old Depreciation Residual Value Resale Value Mileage Resale Year
1 $10,425 76.63% $34,185 12,000 2025
2 $18,228 59.14% $26,382 24,000 2026
3 $20,338 54.41% $24,272 36,000 2027
4 $20,556 53.92% $24,054 48,000 2028
5 $21,448 51.92% $23,162 60,000 2029
6 $24,000 46.20% $20,610 72,000 2030
7 $25,811 42.14% $18,799 84,000 2031
8 $27,221 38.98% $17,389 96,000 2032
9 $28,524 36.06% $16,086 108,000 2033
10 $31,709 28.92% $12,901 120,000 2034

Nissan Maxima Depreciation

Years Old Depreciation Residual Value Resale Value
1 $10,425 76.63% $34,185
2 $18,228 59.14% $26,382
3 $20,338 54.41% $24,272
4 $20,556 53.92% $24,054
5 $21,448 51.92% $23,162
6 $24,000 46.20% $20,610
7 $25,811 42.14% $18,799
8 $27,221 38.98% $17,389
9 $28,524 36.06% $16,086
10 $31,709 28.92% $12,901

Buying a Nissan Maxima New vs Used

If you purchase a used Nissan Maxima that is 2 years old, then you could save $18,228 compared to buying new, and still have a relatively new model with plenty of useful life remaining. If you plan to keep this vehicle for 3 years then your total cost of depreciation would be $3,220. Try other age and ownership length combinations, or different vehicles to see if you can find depreciation sweetspots where this cost is the lowest. Hint: Try vehicles between 2 and 4 years old, as brand new vehicles depreciate quickly. Also, if this is a recently released model and buying a few years old isn't possible, consider another vehicle, or perhaps wait until more used Maxima models become available.

What About Nissan Maxima Insurance Costs?

The average cost to insure a Nissan Maxima is about $2,940 per year. This adds up to around $14,700 after 5 years of vehicle ownership. Unlike depreciation, this expense can often be lowered by shopping around for lower insurance premiums. Comparing quotes will ensure that you are not overpaying if you already own a Nissan Maxima. Or, if you are just researching, then it would be money-wise to know this cost before buying. Try our Competitive Quote Tool or the form below to get free quotes. Advertising Disclosure

The Best Model Years to Buy a Nissan Maxima

The 2022 Nissan Maxima is our top pick for the best model year value for the Maxima. With the 2022, you would only pay, on average, 59% of the price as new, with 83% of the vehicle's useful life remaining. The 2021 and 2023 model years are also attractive years for the Maxima, and provide a relatively good value. Our rankings consider multiple factors, including the Maxima's price as new, current price, maintenance costs and remaining years of overall predictabe expenses. Our top ranked model year represents the most car for the money of the Nissan Maxima models.

Nissan Maxima Historical Depreciation

Year New Price Current Price Maintenance $ Decline % Decline % Paid Value Rating
2023 $46,309 $35,488 $300 $0 0% 76.63% Better
2022 $44,610 $26,381 $364 $9,107 25.66% 59.14% Best
2021 $44,498 $24,210 $468 $2,171 8.23% 54.41% Better
2020 $42,188 $22,749 $554 $1,461 6.03% 53.92% Good
2019 $41,160 $21,369 $690 $1,380 6.07% 51.92% Good
2018 $38,516 $17,794 $794 $3,575 16.73% 46.2%
2017 $37,602 $15,845 $835 $1,949 10.95% 42.14%
2016 $33,580 $14,829 $862 $1,016 6.41% 44.16%
2014 $32,916 $9,518 $952 $5,311 35.81% 28.92%
2013 $30,770 $8,917 $1,035 $601 6.31% 28.98%
2012 $30,350 $8,499 $1,116 $418 4.69% 28%
Year Price % Paid Value Rank
2023 $35,488 76.63% Better
2022 $26,381 59.14% Best
2021 $24,210 54.41% Better
2020 $22,749 53.92% Good
2019 $21,369 51.92% Good
2018 $17,794 46.2%
2017 $15,845 42.14%
2016 $14,829 44.16%
2014 $9,518 28.92%
2013 $8,917 28.98%
2012 $8,499 28%

Nissan Maxima Depreciation Rankings

We've ranked over 200 models from best to worst for Depreciation. See where the Nissan Maxima ranks for Depreciation compared to other vehicles. Also check out how the Maxima stacks up in our rankings for Maintenance, Insurance and Overall Costs.

Other Nissan Maxima Costs of Ownership

Finding a car or truck that saves on depreciation costs is important. But, it's also imperative to view all major Nissan Maxima costs. This will ensure that you are finding the vehicle that provides you the best value, at the lowest cost. We've created tools that will also help you to save on the following ownership expenses:

Nissan Maximas For Sale

2019 Nissan Maxima SL

Mileage: 34,566
Mileage: 34,566     Price: $23,325
Location: Sterling, VA ~ 4 miles away
Dealer: Easterns Automotive Group
Days on Market: 652
Colors (ext/int): Super Black(Black) / Cashmere


2023 Nissan Maxima SV

Mileage: 26,074
Mileage: 26,074     Price: $25,850
Location: Sterling, VA ~ 4 miles away
Dealer: Easterns Automotive Group
Days on Market: 171
Colors (ext/int): Super Black(Black) / Charcoal
Low Depreciation Risk


2022 Nissan Maxima SV

Mileage: 22,551
Mileage: 22,551     Price: $26,490
Location: Sterling, VA ~ 4 miles away
Dealer: Easterns Automotive Group
Days on Market: 160
Colors (ext/int): Pearl White Tricoat(White) / Charcoal
Very Low Depreciation Risk


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